Videos may take up to 30 seconds or more to start after you click start
LACWRT 10/15/24 - Julian Della Puppa - "Freedom Fight: Black Militias and the Creation of the USCT"
LACWRT 7-3-24 Dean Smith - William S. Rosecrans - Unsung Hero
April 2024 - Ed Person - "From the Civil War to the White House"
Mar. 2024 - Living Historian Mike Reetz as "Brig. Gen. Horace Porter"
Mar. 2024 - Historian Gordon Gidlund - "Cotton and Civil War Economics"
Feb. 2024 - Living Historiand and Reenactor, Ralph Keys - "The 5th New York Zouaves, Duryeas Zouaves"
Feb. 2024 - Captain Ed Gantt - "Life in the USCT"
Jan. 2024 - Dean Calbreath - "The Sergeant"; The Incredible Life of Nicholas Said"
Jan. 2024 - Janet McCabe - "Removing the Confederate Dead from Gettysburg"
Dec. 2023 LACWRT - Bob O'Connor - "USCT at Andersonville Prison"
Dec 2023 - Prof. Robert May:" William Seward and Slavery's Expansion in the "Other Direction"
IECWRT Nov 2023 In-Person, Living Historian, Heather St. Clair as "Mother" Many Ann Bickerdyke"
Inland Empire CWRT Nov. 2023 Zoom program. Derek Maxfield: "Man of Fire, William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War"
Inland Empire CWRT Nov. 2023In-Person Program. Bruce Smith "The Battle of Trevilian Station, Custer's First Last Stand."
Inland Empire CWRT. Oct 2023 Dr. Brian Matthew Jordan: "Marching Home; Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War."
Inland Empire CWRT. Sept 2023 Program. Dr. Johnathan Jones: Opium Slavery, The Civil War Veterans and the 1st Opioid War
Los Angeles CWRT- Sept. 2023 - Mary Surratt; Innocent or Guilty.
LACWRT June 2023. Meg Groeling. "First Fallen- The Life of Elmer Ellsworth. The Norths 1st Civil War Hero"
LACWRT - May 2023 - Bob O'Connor - “Mrs. Slater: The Missing Lincoln Conspirator.”
LACWRT - April 18 - Richard Miller. "A Nation of Widows and Orphans: The Devastation of The Cherokee Nation"
Inland Empire CWRT-Apr. 5 - Invisible Wounds; Mental Illness and Civil War Soldiers.
LACWRT-March 21 - Paula Webb "Such A Woman: The Life of Octavia Walton LeVert"
SoCal CWRT Alliance - March 14, 2023. Zach Foster "The Civil War in California.: Video may take 45 seconds to start.
SoCal CWRT Alliance - Feb. 19, 2023 - The War for the Common Soldier: How they Thought, Fought and Survived in Civil War
Inland Empire CWRT - Feb. 1 2023 - Defending the Arteries of the Rebellion
Inland Empire CWRT - Dec. 7 _ Christmas and Fugitive Slaves
Inland Empire CWRT - Nov. 2 - General Sherman and the mill workers of Roswell GA.
LACWRT-Dec. 20- Earl Robinson: "Coincidence vs. Fate."
LACWRT - Nov. 14 - The Amazing Mass Escape From Libby Prison
LACWRT- Oct. 18 - Sergeant Albert Noble
LACWRT-Sept.20 - The War Within The War: The Battle to Form West Virginia
Inland Empire CWRT - Oct. 5 - How Northern Financial Decisions Won The Civil War. Matthew Borowick
Inland Empire CWRT - Aug. 3 - Beneath The Waves - The Hunley
Inland Empire CWRT - Sept. 3 - War Is All Hell
SoCal CWRT Alliance - June 26, 2022 - The Free State of Jones
Inland Empire CWRT - July 6, 2022 - The Trent Affair
L.A. CWRT - April 19 - Salmon P. Chase - Lincoln's Vital Rival
Inland Empire CWRT - May 4 - The Meade-Sickles Controversy
Inland Empire CWRT - March 2 - Civil War Prisoner Exchange Procedures
Both Prayed To The Same God - New Jersey CWRT
Inland Empire CWRT - April 6 - First Fallen, Colonel Elmer Ellsworth
Inland Empire CWRT - June 1st - Civil War and Slavery in Film
LA CWRT - June 21 - General Benjamin "The Beast" Butler